Tuesday 6 March 2018



Friday saw a colourful display of Ghanaian culture at its best. The day was marked as the handing-over of power from the outgoing prefects to the incoming prefects. It was a momentous day as it had never happened since in a long time. 

Before the day, teachers were feverishly preparing their pupils in various activities which included poetry recitals, cultural dance, choreography, singing and a display of talents.

The day arrived with every Tom, Dick and Harry putting finishing touches to their performances.

Information was given to students and pupils to be in traditional clothes. It was just a spectacular sight. School children in their traditional smocks and others in their ‘Kente’.

Before the commencement of the programme, students and pupils were made to arrange their seats in an organised fashion leaving the middle for the performances.

At about 10:30 a.m. the programme started with Mr Isaac Kunmun being the MC. He welcomed everyone present and asked Mr Kingsley to pray. The next item was the introduction of the chairman by Mrs Linda Arthur.

The Chairman for the occasion was Mr Ofori Amponsah, the Director of Elsie Lund Schools. He gave a short acceptance speech and gave the permission for the commencement of the programme.

The programme started with the Music teacher, Mr Robert Duah leading the students to sing the Ghana national anthem.

The school choir gave a splendid song ministration which ushered in the cultural dance troop.

Later on in the programme, the old prefects and the new prefects were called out to hand over authority.

The head teacher, Mr Ankrah Yao Bernard swore the new prefects in after the old prefects shook hands with the new ones to indicate the transfer of power.

The programme continued with more of poetry recitations from pupils and more cultural dancing.

Amidst the fun and excitement, the programme soon came to an end with the closing prayer.

The programme ended at about 2:30 p.m. 

Friday 9 February 2018


January has seen a lot of activities taken place in the school. Qualified and suitable candidates have filed in their application for the almost vacant positions of the following offices held by the prefects in the school. They are:
1. The Senior Prefect
2. The Girls Prefect
3. The Compound Overseer
4. The Health Prefect
5. The Sports/ Entertainment Prefect

A total of about 20 students in JHS2 applied and a vetting committee was set up to scrutinize the applicants to verify whether or not they are really qualified for those positions/offices.

The vetting committee comprised of the following teachers.
1. Mr Isaac Kanmun
2. Mr George Whitefield
3. Madam Hassana Aljumah
4. Mr Hamza Abdulai
5. Mr Alex Jabituk

After the vetting, the following students come out successful and they are:
Senior Prefect
1. Ali Pelpou Sansuma
2. Abubakari Sherif

Girls Prefect
1. Osei Gifty
2. Koyiri Stephanie
3. Hanza Fatima

Compound Prefects
1. Addey Felicia
2. Abubakari Rashida
3. Atapagra Daniel

Health Prefects
1. Iddrisu Abdul Waliu
2. Abdulai Suraiya
3. Sayibu Asana
4. Abubakari Rafia

Entertainment/Sports Prefects
1. Mohammed Fawaz
2. Azonaba Monica
3. Iddrisu Jamaldeen Dobino

Now, it was left to the student body to vote for those they believe can handle the various offices.

A day was given to the candidates to read their manifestos and also campaign and on Friday 2nd February, 2018 everything was set for the election of the prefects.

Some pictures to tell the story.

A section of JHS1 students

A student casting her vote

 An officer showing a student what to do

 A section of students queuing to vote.

 After a successful election, results were collated and authenticated and later, before the close of school, an assembly was called for the results to be read out to the student body for them to know which student won the election for the various portfolios.
These were the results:

For the Sports and Entertainment Prefect Portfolio, Iddrisu Jamaldeen Dobino won with Mohammed Fawaz assisting him.

Iddrisu Abdul Wakil won with the highest votes followed by Abukari Rafia who automatically becomes the assistant for the Health Prefect Portfolio.

With the Compound Prefect Portfolio, Abubakari Rashida had the highest votes with Atapagra Daniel trailing her. So Abubakari Rashida becomes the main prefect assisted by Addey Felicia.

Then the Girls Prefect Portfolio had Gifty Osei sweeping the highest votes trailed by Koyiri Stephanie who then assists Gifty Osie.

For the enviable portfolio of the Senior Prefect, Abubakari Sherif was no match for Ali Pelpuo Sansuma who was leading with a whooping number of vote difference of about sixty. Ali Pelpuo Sansuma becomes the Senior Prefect of mother ELSIE LUND SCHOOLS for the 2017/2018 academic year and would be assisted by Abubakari Sherif.

The next event to take place is the handing-over ceremony whose date is yet to be fixed.

Do log on regularly to have the updates of all activities happening inside Elsie Lund Schools.

God Bless Mother Elsie Lund and make it great and strong.